Training days are in abeyance due to covid.

Terri Siwek
Normally we hold training on the second Sunday of each month throughout the year with the exception of January and February.
We are very lucky and have a number of landowner supporters who allow us to use their ground. This enables us to train on different types of terrain and in a great variety of cover.
Training starts at 0930 until 1200 and to get the most from the morning we ask all to arrive promptly. Please do not arrive before 0900 which is too early and the direction signs will not be out.
There will usually be a number of committee members attending on the day. Graeme - Chairman, Terri - Treasurer , Trainers - Jon Luke and often guest trainers .
In order to leave as we find, please bring poo bags so that you can clean up after your dog.
Remember we have permission to use the training ground only on the times and dates published, no other times.
If you are thinking of becoming a member why not come along to one of our training days for a chat and see what we do.
For the dates and venues go to Training Schedule /training-schedule.html
We are very lucky and have a number of landowner supporters who allow us to use their ground. This enables us to train on different types of terrain and in a great variety of cover.
Training starts at 0930 until 1200 and to get the most from the morning we ask all to arrive promptly. Please do not arrive before 0900 which is too early and the direction signs will not be out.
There will usually be a number of committee members attending on the day. Graeme - Chairman, Terri - Treasurer , Trainers - Jon Luke and often guest trainers .
In order to leave as we find, please bring poo bags so that you can clean up after your dog.
Remember we have permission to use the training ground only on the times and dates published, no other times.
If you are thinking of becoming a member why not come along to one of our training days for a chat and see what we do.
For the dates and venues go to Training Schedule /training-schedule.html