Leconfield Working
Spaniel Club
ID No 2078
16 Dog A/V Spaniel (Excluding Cocker) Open Stake
Friday 26th November 2021
At Peppering Shoot, Norfolk Estate,
Arundel, West Sussex
By kind permission of His Grace the Duke of Norfolk
Head Keeper: Charlie Mellor
Judges: Mr Ian Openshaw (A102) Mr J Luxford (B 3440)
Chief Steward: Kathryn Holmes
The President’s Trophy to the Winner and Winners Bowl from BASC
Our Qualifier will also receive an entry cheque for
for the 2022 Championship
The Flintwood Cup to the Guns’ Choice
Thank you to our Very Kind Sponsors
After a 2 dog run off
1st FTCH Shiveck Beretta of Deepfleet ESS B 14/04/18
Ftch Deepfleet Van Persie/Ftch Surefly Sassy
Breeder T Siwek
Owner Handler Peter Avery
2nd Shiveck Primat ESS B 03/03/19
Ftch Deepfleet Van Persie/Ftch Surefly Sassy
Breeder T Siwek
Owner/Handler Terri Siwek
3rd Murrayeden Ebony ESS B 10/07/17
Ftch Buccleuch Pepper/Ftch Chinachgook Grundy of Buccleuch
Breeder Miss K Ward
Owner Miss K Ward/ Handler Andy Skinner
4th and Guns choice
Shellspoon Snake Hips ESS B 20/6/16
Shalloakwest Phantom/Edgegrove Opal
Breeder A Faulkner
Owner/Handler Mr Paddy Williams